Saturday, April 5, 2008

Easter = awesome. Or, how to celebrate Easter just like the early church did.

Ok, I know I'm a few weeks late in recapping Easter on my blog (does that really surprise anyone?), but I love Easter, and the blogger in me couldn't resist at least a few lines to express how much I love Easter at [iccp]. We always come up with very creative ways to celebrate Easter. Like an outdoor sunrise service at the Barrage de Bimont. I guess it didn't occur to me that sunrise service means you have to be awake early enough to see the sun rise. And this year we decided to actually experience the rising of the sun by having our service outdoors. 6am when it is -0.5 degrees celsius is what I call a shock to the system. He is risen indeed.

Seriously though, it was beautiful. Almost 100 people came, and we sang lots of songs, and drank hot coffee from thermoses, and Darrin talked about Jesus giving his life for us and to us, and we huddled around a fire in a trash can. For real. It felt like raw church. And there is nothing quite like watching the sun come up over Mount Sainte Victoire.

We did lots of other cool things to celebrate Easter this year. Check out this video for a small taste of what it's like to celebrate Easter with the [iccp] family. I love this family.

Cool videos make up for tardiness, right?

(Thanks to Jeff Fountain for the video)

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