Monday, April 7, 2008

It's like I'm back in college. Or, a case study in procrastination.

This is how you can tell I'm procrastinating- I'm writing a blog post. I just wrote one like yesterday. Normally I'm lucky if I can get one up every couple weeks.

I don't know what it is about me, but for some reason, when I have a large amount of work to get done and a very near and rapidly approaching deadline, my procrastination instinct kicks in. It's 12:30am and I've already spent hours browsing Facebook (darn you Facebook) and reading blogs belonging to people I don't even know. I've also cleaned the kitchen, brainstormed ways to keep the pigeons off our balcony, created 3 new playlists, drank several cups of tea, tried on my favorite turquoise high heels I haven't worn in over a year, and counted the exact total number of days I've lived in France (818).

The sad thing is, the work that is making me procrastinate is actually fascinating and enjoyable and stimulating. It's really really good stuff, and normally I would be thrilled to spend time doing the kind of things it's asking of me. But the fact that there is a looming deadline inevitably makes me think that counting the number of umbrellas we have in the apartment (there are 8) is more deserving of my time than intellectually and spiritually stimulating work.

(For those of you who are worried about me getting my work done, or not doing work that reflects my best efforts, don't you worry your pretty little heads. I learned in college that I truly do my best work under pressure, and I have never ever not met a deadline, even with my best procrastination efforts. Plus, I've done a lot of the work already, I'm almost done.)

Ok, I'm gonna go do yoga stretches in the living room.

Then back to work.

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