Thursday, March 27, 2008

The rumors are true, he lives here. Or, I know you're all jealous of my life.

The other day I was walking down the street, and I walked right by this face:

And no, I was not walking past a movie poster. It was the real life, flesh-and-blood him, walking down a street I walk down all the time. Just walking, all by himself. Just strolling around my little town, as if he were a normal person who is allowed to just walk down the street like a normal person.

Now, you may be under the impression that it is normal for celebrities to wander the streets of Aix on foot (if you remember my Rachael Ray story from this summer). Let me set the record straight- it's not. Normally, the most exciting thing to happen to me while walking down the cobblestone streets of Aix involves either a street performer (the guy with the guitar who will make up a song about me as I walk past, or the guy who wheels his full-sized piano to the middle of the sidewalk, or the statue man that I have never once seen be still), or narrowly avoiding a large pile of dog poo. Oh, one time there was a giant 20-foot praying mantis that was wheeled down the Cours Mirabeau for no apparent reason. And let me tell you, that praying mantis attracted a lot more attention than him walking down the street.

Everyone says I should have said something to him; struck up a casual yet engaging conversation. I, on the other hand, chose the suave approach of freezing in my tracks and staring at him mutely with my mouth hanging slightly open in shock.

1 comment:

kelly_w said...

Dude! That's awesome! And yeah, I'm a little jealous :).