Monday, September 24, 2007

Christina update

Sorry for the delay... I've been waiting for an update and it just came! I'll cut and paste some the important stuff from the email written by Christina's mom:

Our dear Christina came out of her very long surgery, in very fine condition. My greatest hope was that Christina would have no impairments--mental or physical. She was smiling and talking and moving her arms and legs 30 minutes after surgery. By the time I got to see her in ICU she was still very peaceful and smiling.

The doctor got most of the tumor out--the first biopsy determined malignancy. The next biopsy will tell us what kind of cancer and how aggressive it is. There is nothing to be done until we have more information from the pathology report (probably Tuesday), and then the next step will be the research to find the best treatment for whatever she's got going on in her head.

He described the surgery and I am amazed at what God seems to have done during that time. Once they saw Christina's tumor and realized it would not be the easy to remove meningioma, he planned on just removing a small section for biopsy. He did that and then stood there for awhile. He then decided to remove one more small piece that seemed safe to get at. He then stood there for awhile more and decided after studying the screen (of the fancy piece of equipment to show the exact location of the tumor and his tool) he decided to remove another piece. He continued in this manner until it was nearly all gone. It seems he did more than he intended but with all the skill necessary to do no damage to any good brain cells. I am so thankful to God for being so present, so powerful, and so merciful in this whole procedure. Having so much of that tumor gone will relieve some of Christina's troublesome headaches and maybe even help her vision to get back to normal.

Christina has asked for prayer that her pain medication does not affect her very sensitive intestinal tract. She is quite worried about that. (She said to put that one out there for much prayer).

Just saw Christina today (Sunday) and she is doing so well! She got out of bed, went outside and has all her tubes and iv's and stuff removed! God is so good. She should be able to come home Monday or Tuesday!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers, and please keep praying for Christina as the severity of the cancer is determined and treatment begins. It's so cool to see the body of Christ all over the world come together to cover our sister in prayer.

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