Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bye bye Aix, hello Holland. Or, travel for work makes you cool and important.

Hey there friends! I'm off to Holland for 2 weeks for Field Orientation with Christian Associates. So I'll be in Amsterdam for one week and then The Hague for another, learning about what God is doing in Europe, how to share His message of love in a postmodern European culture, and how to do what I do more effectively. Yay, fun stuff! I'm a little bit sad to leave Aix right now, there is so much going on right now. But I love that I get to go to such cool places for work. It's like a business trip! Doesn't that make me seem so cool and important? I always thought "business trips" are cool and important-seeming. I'm also excited to hang out with Teal, Adam, and Tasha for 2 weeks, along with many other super-cool CA people. (I believe I've told you how super-cool my fellow church planters are?) Good times are sure to be had. My virtual-self will miss all your virtual-selves for the next 2 weeks, but you can look forward to lots of good Netherlands-y stories upon my return to Aix. Loves!

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